Arts Universe and Philology

Arts Universe and Philology
The blog "Art, Universe, and Philology" is an online platform dedicated to the promotion and exploration of art, science, and philology. Its owner, Konstantinos Vakouftsis, shares his thoughts, analyses, and passion for culture, the universe, and literature with his readers.

Πέμπτη 11 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Η Πραγματική Ιστορία της Τροίας, The true story of Troy - The History Channel

Ο Αχιλλέας κακοποιεί τον Έκτορα, Αχίλλειο, Κέρκυρα, 19ος αιώνας - Triumph of Achilles, Achilleion,  Corfu 

Ήταν μύθος, παραμύθι, ή μήπως όχι;  Η Ομηρική Τροία, η πόλη με τα άπαρτα τείχη, που χρειάσθηκαν δέκα χρόνια πολιορκίας για να πέσει, βρέθηκε από Γερμανούς ερευνητές.  Το 1280 π.Χ. ήταν μια τειχισμένη μεγαλούπολη κάπου 10.000 κατοίκων και εκτεινόταν κάτω από τον γνωστό ώς τώρα μικρό οχυρό λόφο του Χιτσαρλίκ σε έκταση δεκαπλάσια από ό,τι ήταν γνωστό μέχρι σήμερα, ήτοι 270.000 τ.μ.  Με την βοήθεια ιστορικών, μελετητών και με την χρήση Η/Υ το History Channel αναζητά την αλήθεια...

The truth behind a tale so powerful, it inspired 3,000 years of myth and legend, and may have changed the course of history.  It's the site of the most legendary war in history and the Western world's oldest adventure story. It begins with a beauty contest and ends with a giant wooden horse unleashing death and destruction. Now, archaeologists, literary detectives, and military analysts are uncovering evidence that the mythological Trojan War and the legendary city of Troy is real. From archaeological trenches at ancient Troy and the citadel fortress of King Agamemnon, to Homer and Hollywood, we search for the true story of Troy.  The story of Troy--the exploits of the nearly invincible Achilles, valiant Hector, the beautiful Helen, and the king of kings, Agamemnon--addresses many aspects of history and the human condition including questions particularly relevant today: When is war justified? And at what point is war made senseless by its awful cost?  Vivid 3-D animation, re-enactments of battles, interviews with the world's leading experts, and exclusive film footage from sites of archaeological digs, bring the history of Troy to life.

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