Salvador Dali, Corpus Hypercubitus (Crufixion), 1954, New-York,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
την Αυγή της Ιστορίας, οι άνθρωποι πίστευαν σε θεϊκές δυνάμεις που δημιούργησαν
τον κόσμο μας και σήμερα οι περισσότεροι ακόμα προσευχόμαστε σε μια ανώτερη
υπάρχει πραγματικά ο Θεός εκεί έξω; Οι επιστήμονες τώρα ψάχνουν το θείο στα πιο
απίθανα μέρη...
της σειράς "Through the
wormhole" με παρουσιαστή
τον δημοφιλή ηθοποιό Μόργκαν Φρήμαν.
Show Summary: Did
God invent humanity? Or did we invent God? Pioneering scientists are trekking
across new frontiers of neuroscience that may at last provide an answer to this
ancient mystery. Neuroscientists are recreating out of body experiences in
virtual reality laboratories to uncover what happens to the brain during
profoundly spiritual journeys.
Yet, most of us do
not need to leave our bodies to sense the divine. Psychologists are working to
figure out why we sense a hidden supernatural plane in the world around us.
Their work suggests that belief in the spiritual takes hold a young age, never
leaves us, and is essential to how our highly developed brains see the world. What
causes some to see the hand of God in humanity and the world around us, where
others see randomness and chance? One psychologist believes she knows why,
because her work is showing that our emotional states physically change how we
see patterns of events in the world.
Our experience of
God may be exclusively confined to our brains. But since our brains are where
we experience reality, does imagining God make God real? One neuroscientist is
trying to find the answer by peering into the human mind, and seeing what God
really looks like!