Like never before,
technology can bring imagination to life. The question is what will we
conceive? For decades, popular culture has been enthralled with the possibility
of robots that act and look like humans. We are promised by film, fiction and
television that humanoids will cook for us, clean for us, become our best
friends, teach our children, and even fall in love with us. So where are they?
The forerunners are here already. Recently, the media has covered a surprising
number of new humanoid robots emerging on the commercial market. Like many new
technologies, these early generations of commercially available humanoids are
costly curiosities, useful for entertainment, but little else. Yet, in time,
they will accomplish a wide variety of tasks in homes, battlefields, nuclear
plants, government installations, factory floors, and even space stations.
βρίσκεται η ρίζα της λέξης ρομπότ; Ποια είναι σήμερα τα πεδία εφαρμογής της
ρομποτικής; Πόσο μακριά είναι η εποχή των μηχανών ως υπηρετών και συντρόφων του
ανθρώπου; Από το παρελθόν στο παρόν, με προβολή στο κοντινό μέλλον. Ένα
οδοιπορικό του στον κόσμο των ρομπότ, με το βλέμμα στον
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